Home » Destinations » Indore / 2023» Attractions» Meghdoot Upvan

Meghdoot Upvan, Indore / 2023

Meghdoot Upvan is one of the largest parks situated in Indore. This hugely popular park is a major attraction for the local people as well as the tourists. Though the park remains full of people throughout the week, the main crowd is noticed on weekends and during the holiday season. People love spending time in the beautiful space with their families and particularly their kids.

The park is decorated with luxurious lawns, wonderful garden terraces, decorated fountains, revolving water springs and several other attractions.

Meghdoot Upvan is a brilliant jewel in the treasure trove of Indore. The park also offers a quiet and relaxing atmosphere where families enjoy picnics away from the stressed life of the city.

Visitors going to the Meghdoot Upvan also have the option to visit the Mangal Merry Land Amusement Park, which is situated near the Meghdoot Upvan and is another spot of attraction in Indore.