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World Wind Day 2022

History, theme, significance and everything you need to know about it.
vignesh babu

The day's objective is to raise public awareness about wind energy and its benefits.

History of World Wind Day

The first Wind Day was organised in 2007 by the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA). However, in 2009 the EWEA teamed up with the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) and made it a global event.

World Wind Day 2022: Theme

World Wind Day 2022 theme is to celebrate and appreciate the benefits of wind energy and to raise awareness among people about the power and prospect of wind energy to change the energy systems we use.

World Wind Day 2022: Significance

Wind energy is now the most used energy source, according to globalwindday.org. In the previous year, the wind industry established more than the gas and coal sectors incorporated in the EU.

Benefits of wind energy

It is one of the most environmentally friendly and efficient energy sources.

Wind energy is a pure energy source since it is not dependent on fossil fuels like coal.

It is a renewable fuel source that will never run out.

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