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BHOPATPUR Station | Trains From and To BHOPATPUR Railway Station

Check the detailed information about BHOPATPUR Railway Station. If you are planning to travel to BHOPATPUR by train, then find the Complete information about BHOPATPUR Train Station, nearest railway stations to BHOPATPUR , distance to BHOPATPUR from major indian cities, list of trains from and to BHOPATPUR , train timetable, Arrival & Departure time, Running Days etc via Native Planet.
Trains to BHOPATPUR Station - List of BHOPATPUR Trains and Train Numbers
Scroll down to get the complete list of Trains to BHOPATPUR Station, Trains from BHOPATPUR , and Trains Passing through the BHOPATPUR Railway station. Click on respective train name to get more information about the train, its route, on which days they arrive at a particular station etc...
# No Train Name (Num) Departure Arrival Running days
1 52297 PBE SZP PASS M G 05:25 07:15
  • SUN
  • MON
  • TUE
  • WED
  • THU
  • FRI
  • SAT
2 52298 SZP PBE PASS 10:05 10:50
  • SUN
  • MON
  • TUE
  • WED
  • THU
  • FRI
  • SAT
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Connect To Train Wifi

5 Quick Ways to Connect To Free Wifi

  • Step 1

    Go to the WiFi settings in your device. Now, select Railwire network.

  • Step 2

    In the next step, you have to open the browser and into the window, enter the URL of railways

  • Step 3

    This will lead you to the login screen. Here your phone number needs to be entered. Next, you have to click on – receive SMS.

  • Step 4

    You will receive an SMS which will be an OTP code in 4 digits. Go to the WiFi login. Fill up the OTP code here. Now, click on – done.

  • Step 5

    A checkmark will indicate that you have been connected to free WiFi.

Get connected to free WiFi through these 5 steps. You can do whatever you want: play the game that you always wanted to play, read any book or watch any video by easily downloading them. Hurray!